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Self Esteem Through Sports

By Josh SIckles, 05/17/11, 12:00PM EDT


Self esteem is one of the most important things in a kid’s life. Bar none.

A child’s self worth will always be reflected in his or her actions throughout life. How they do in school, the kind of career they have and the life they lead can all be traced back to how a child feels about themselves in their youth.

If kids don’t feel like their worth is anything, they’re more likely to get into trouble because they have no regard for themselves.

Youth flag football is one of the best ways to boost a child’s self esteem.

There’s no greater feeling than scoring a touchdown, making a tough run and the ecstasy of winning the game.

I can say first hand the confidence boost you can get from sports is second to none. Scoring 23 points to lead my injury-laden eighth grade basketball team to victory sticks as one of my best feel-good memories. Netting the game-winning goal for a 4-3 in my final travel soccer game is a close second.

By increasing a child’s worth through one facet, others can be enhanced. With a new found confidence, all of a sudden kids become more social, get better grades and have a better overall feeling of self worth.

A child’s self esteem carries throughout their life. The higher the self worth, the better chance a child has to be successful throughout life. There’s no better way to start that lifetime of success than with success on the gridiron with youth flag football.

Summer Registration Ends Tomorrow !!