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Forty Percent Believe Spring 2016 Coaches Were Better Than Years Past

By By Devyn Swain, 06/08/16, 4:00PM EDT


After the Spring 2016 Youth League season wrapped up a couple of weeks ago, the PFFL provided parents with the opportunity to reflect on their experiences in comparison with seasons past and other youth related activities. Forty-nine parents submitted responses to the 12-question survey that we made available through email. In an effort to promote transparency among our customers, we have decided to publicize the feedback we received.

Here is the fourth question on the survey and the results based on responses we received from parents:

Compared to other teachers, instructors and coaches your child has had (for any activity) in the past, was your child's coach this season better, worse, or about the same?

According to the responses 40 percent of you believe that your children’s coaches were better this season than they were during any previous seasons in which your children played for the PFFL. As proud of our league as we are, we recognize that there have been times when previous coaches have not excelled at creating and sustaining a positive team atmosphere for your sons and daughters for several reasons. During the offseason, we sought to add coaches who were fully committed to the task of being enthusiastic full-time coaches for all three of our divisions. Although we still have room for improvement we are encouraged that many of you enjoyed the coaches that worked with your children this past season.


Please be advised that we will address the concerns of parents that were only slightly impressed or not impressed at all with the coaches for their children’s teams this season. Our goal for our next Youth League season is to raise your level of satisfaction from 40 percent who believe that the coaches are better than they were in previous seasons to 60 percent.

If you have specific suggestions pertaining to improving our coaches or the survey as a whole, please submit a ticket to our Support Team.

Still want to take the survey? Email us and we will send you a copy.

Fill out my online form.

Youth League News